The Breakthrough Listen Search for Advanced Life:
Breakthrough Listen Follow-up of the Reported Transient Signal Observed at the Arecibo Telescope in the Direction of Ross 128

Technical Data

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Sample Naming Convention


Tag Description
blc10 The name of the compute node. Data were collected on 32 compute nodes named blcXY, where X is a 1500MHz bank, and Y is one of eight 187.5MHz segments making up the bank. The total set of compute nodes is blc{0..3}{0..7}. The frequencies are descending, so blc00 has the highest frequencies, and blc37 the lowest. There is a two-node overlap between the banks. For example, blc06 and blc10 have the same center frequency, as do blc07 and blc11. This is to reduce the effect of the bandpass shape between banks.
guppi The files always contain this as they were recorded using guppidaq.
57950 The floor(MJD) of the start of this observation.
74488 The seconds since midnight (UT) of this observation.
HIP55848 The target name..
0010.gpuspec.0002.fil The "0010" is the scan #, "gpuspec" means this raw data was reduced by "gpuspec" software, the "0002" is an arbitrary internal reference to the time/frequency resolution of the data, and "fil" denotes the file format, in this case filterbank..